
Thursday, May 5, 2011


I've been thinking of re-branding, the way we re-package ourselves to make us more social friendly, to sell ourselves better.
We are a product of some sort, and we need buyers. We make up lies, we polish, we market.
Everything is fake, nothing is real.
Imagine someone you meet somewhere, that particular moment is that person's finest moment, when they impress you with they did, do or will be doing.
But that's it. That's all everyone's got.
No one was born this way sadly, there is nothing pretty about us, we shit, we burp, we stink.

I haven't been able to lie lately.
I haven't been able to rebrand sadly.
I haven't slept, showered or brushed my teeth for god knows how long (sad truth), nor do i even want to.
I want to lie in my filth, for I'm ok with it.
I love filth.

Bobby Malone, filthy and proud, as he, on and off, tries to figure things out.
-MP3:Nothing in mind - Maybe later

On est tous un plagiat.
We are a patchwork of people we've encountered
Enough with originality, just copy and paste.


  1. P.S: i showered after writing this

  2. hehe :) love it

  3. That's the thing you either want to follow the crowd and blend with it or decide to ban it and not see it. Stir up the people around you many are genuine and will love you with or without a shower...
    No one said humans are pretty and clean but there is something so attracting through the filth, something so unique that just draws you to it. Once you spot that unique filth you will learn to love it an then want it..

  4. I really like humans (from a certain distance)
    I see eye to eye with you.
    but it was more about not meeting certain expectations and this incapacity of following a track.
    between a certain point and right this second, i got lost somewhere in translation.
    And the mugshot is simply filth, that has been caught and arrested. and they take a picture of you, and that's you. as much as you'd want to polish, you've been exposed.
    i think i also got caught somewhere along the way.


  6. je vois ce que tu voulais dire. I hadn't read that yesterday.

    u get it right on.j'aime comment le temps a epuré et tes lignes et tes mots. rawness is beautifull to me.
